PIMF Scholarship Application Ben PattersonMarch 02, 2017 Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. Full Name: * Date of Birth: * (mm/dd/yyyy) Street Address: * City: * State: * (If outside North America, please enter "N/A") Zip/Postal Code: * Country: * Phone Number: * E-mail Address: * Name(s) of Parent(s) or Guardian(s): * (If aged 18 or over, please enter "N/A") Parent/Guardian E-mail Address: Parent/Guardian Phone Number: School Attending: Current Grade: Primary Instrument: * Secondary Instrument: Private Teacher Name: Private Teacher Phone: School Orchestra/Ensemble: School Orchestra/Ensemble Director: Other Orchestra/Ensemble: Other Orchestra/Ensemble Director: Current Solo Repertoire: * Past Two Pieces Learned: Please select the scholarship(s) for which you are applying: * Alice Downs ScholarshipChanlan Lee ScholarshipLarry Fisher ScholarshipFrisch & Denig Scholarship How did you hear about the Philadelphia International Music Festival? Have you attended PIMF in previous years? YesNo If you have attended PIMF in previous years, please check all that apply: 20132014201520162017201820192020 Comments, Questions, or Special Requests: So that we know you are not a computer, kindly enter the code below before submitting. Ben PattersonRelated ArticlesMusic in the Mansion 24-25 Part 1: Pairing Your Holiday Break with Magnificent Music Study!Why You Should Enter a Philadelphia International Music Festival Concerto CompetitionMeet PIMF Guest Faculty, Philadelphia Orchestra Assistant Conductor Austin Chanu!