“My twelve year-old daughter participated in two PIMF Online programs, both the summer Symphony Orchestra program and the Solo Performance program over the (2020/2021) winter holiday. The joyful, inclusive, and welcoming community PIMF offered has sustained her interest in music. The program offers the perfect combination of community and individual learning opportunities and I cannot imagine a more caring and supportive environment for young musicians. Thank you so much to the remarkable leadership of this program whose mission is needed in our world now more than ever, and whose ability to pivot inspires us all to become not just better musicians but also better people.”
“I participated in the online music intensive week over my December winter break, and am incredibly glad I did so. I had daily studio performance classes and lessons with Ernie Tovar, fourth horn of the Philadelphia Orchestra, as well as many other lectures and classes. I learned and grew so much in the span of one week and was pushed to practice smarter and make new connections. I really felt that I deepened my musicianship skills. The PIMF staff is great and everyone is really sweet. I highly recommend!”
“My daughter absolutely loved her ‘virtual’ experience with the Philadelphia International Music Festival this summer. Everyone there went above and beyond to make sure the students had a positive and fun learning environment. The level of instruction was top notch! And even though it was virtual, they still managed to make my daughter feel connected, almost as if she were participating physically in person. She felt totally included in the group. Her skills as a young inspiringly violinist improved immensely. She learned how to practice more efficiently, play and work with a pianist, and perform. She loved the masterclasses at night where she either got to watch other young amazing musicians perform or watch some members of the Philadelphia Orchestra perform. Another favorite was being able to meet the students pets during one of the morning meetings! We are most definitely looking forward to more experiences with PIMF, virtual or in person!”
“All I can say is, ‘WOW!’ My son, who plays the trumpet, participated in last summer’s orchestra camp and performance camp (the summer of covid) and I was incredibly impressed with how PIMF shifted gears to provide valuable and impactful virtual programming. My son was in front of his computer for 10 hours a day, and it was never a chore. The staff did an amazing job of engaging with the students and offering them opportunities to match if they were in person. I think it was a life-changing summer for my son. Thank you PIMF for your commitment and complete professionalism!”